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Who we are

IMAGO Consultancy & Training is a leading international firm that offers personal & professional development training to the corporate sector as well as through personal coaching/ workshops/ seminars. 


We are well-known for our human and holistic approach in encouraging  positive change and adaptation when working with clients in a personal or corporate capacity that is realistic and easily maintained. ​

​​Our Image Consultants are certified and accredited, members of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) thereby ensuring that our clients receive credible, reliable and professional advice and training at all times. These trainers are required by the Association to always be updated and at the very top of their game, always up to date in terms of technical and theoretical knowledge.

Our trainers work by establishing an element of trust which ultimately builds a safe environment to enable those that we work with to explore or face difficult questions and find solutions, allowing for creativity and positive development. â€‹

At IMAGO, we take note of, understand and respect the cultural and religious diversity of our clients and thus, address their training needs accordingly rather than force the widely accepted norms onto our clients making us the preferred trainers for corporations with a global presence, SMEs and government sectors alike.  We passionately sow, cultivate and nurture our clients' personal & professional development allowing them to flourish no matter where or in which environment they find themselves in. We take pride in this being what makes us different as a training firm.

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."

- Aristotle



Imago, Image Consultant Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Perunding Imej, Certified, Accredited, AICI

Image Credited to Yuri Arcurs

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