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Mark Dickson

Master Trainer; Leadership & Management Programmes

Mark Dickson commenced his career in people development and consulting in 1995, specialising in problem identification, coaching, facilitation and general management in some of the world’s leading organisations within the Energy, Professional Services, Finance, Aviation and Oil & Gas industries. He is considered an HR professional who believes that everyone can buy similar systems and technology. The only great differentiator between organisations, he believes, is the quality of their people.


Key Achievements

Grown Global Businesses: Working in highly competitive global businesses is one of Mark’s key achievements. PricewaterhouseCoopers and Qatar Airways provided Mark with the opportunity to align staff development with their business objectives. Once aligned both organisations enjoyed greater profitability and more satisfied customers. Many of Mark’s current customers have also enjoyed success from aligning staff development with the needs of their businesses.


Maintain Compliance in Globally Focused Organisations: Sadly, the budget for people development is often the first thing to be sacrificed when times are hard, even when compliance with a variety of regulators is expected. Researching the compliance requirements, winning and then maintaining support within the organisations has been a key achievement and resulted in recognition by the business leaders and external regulators alike.


Assisted a Range of Clients to Identify, Attract, Recruit, Develop and Retain Talent: A key achievement for which Mark is renowned is his ability to assist clients with their talent management strategies. Ensuring that the right person is in the most appropriate position and that the client knows ‘exactly’ where their talent exists with the hundreds or thousands of staff is a key success factor in any successful organisation. Mark has assisted many multi-national and local firms to ensure that the talent is available, recognised and retained.



Key Competencies

Courage. When things are not right, Mark is not afraid to speak up while many will not. To know something is wrong but then not to have the courage to say something costs companies millions of dollars every day and, sadly, has also cost many lives.


Resilience. He has spent over 20 years managing cross cultural teams in Australia, across Asia and the Middle East. The challenges within such team, their organisations and their vastly different client bases all require resilience and determination, underpinned by sensitivity, planning and commitment.


Thoughtful in Complexity. With current or past clients in over 30 countries, Mark understands the need to understand issues in an increasingly complex world. Refined questioning, thoughtfulness, strategising and execution have all combined to solve client issues of various magnitude.


Industry Experience


Mark has worked in a broad spectrum of industries proving the similarity of ‘people needs’ between clients and industries. Major clients have included NEC, Queensland Rail,, Qatar Petroleum, RASGAS, HSBC, PwC, Qatar Aviation Services, Hamad International Airport, Qatar Airways, the Kian Group, as well as a number of aviation, banking and technology companies in Malaysia and beyond. Major activities have included:


(1)         Providing coaching and facilitation for senior executives.

(2)         Assisting organisations to scale up with achievable growth initiatives.

(3)         Organisational Restructuring for organisations of up to 40,000 staff distributed globally.

(4)         Designed and developed specialist training for sales, recruitment, leadership.

(5)         Provided consulting to assist clients in determining their needs and aligning them with their business 


(6)        Researched legislation and regulations to ensure organisational compliance.


Mark currently serves as a Director at T&B Solutions Ltd (RO) (October 2014- present) and 5Echo (October 2014- Present). From December 2010 - October 2014, Mark served with Qatar Airways as their Learning & Development Department Head. He was the Director/ Lead Consultant at Executive Talent Management from January 2002- December @010 and the Director of Learning & Development with Price Waterhouse Coopers from January 2000- January 2002. Mark was also attached to the Australian Defence Force (Army) as their Training Development Officer from January 1997- January 2000 after returning from service.

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